Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a Tail!

Peanut Butter, our little Japanese Bantam.


  1. Peanut Butter is surely prancing around! Very pretty.

  2. Darla, I love the body style of the Japanese Bantams. Very cool!

  3. "Peanut Butter"? Such a great name, and if i looked that good, why I would strut my stuff too!

  4. WOW! Peanut Butter has a great tail!

  5. I love your banty! We have three (two old English and one Rhode Island Red). Banties are so much more fun and have such cute eggs.

  6. Lisa, I would love to see a male Japanese Bantam. I bet they're beautiful!

    Emily, I love seeing all their little eggs lined up. Quite cool with the different colors.

  7. peanut butter looks a lot like Red did. but i thought Red was a wheaten Old english. that chicken holds a lovely pose.

    i think in might have a spangled chick (based on some photos i recently saw) yay!

  8. K9, they do look a lot alike!

    Hubs and I had a good laugh watching the chicken video of MDC and Red that you had posted at K9. Very funny. :)

  9. Thats one proud rooster, I got your link from 3C at Northview. Very nice blog, i'll pass it on to my mom who is also into gardening. I'm more of a photographer.. :-)

  10. Hey Ed, thanks for visiting. With that tail you would think it was a rooster, but Peanut is actually a little girl. Crazy, huh?

  11. That is a GIRL??? WOW! She's beautiful!!

    Got any pics of the bantam eggs compared to the "big" hen's eggs? I hear banty's have small eggs, but I wonder how small small is.

    How tame are your chickens? And...are these your first chickens - I think I remember reading that they are? I've been slowly reading up on all your chicken posts from your chickens tag since I'm on the quest for chicken knowledge.

  12. Kate, all six of our girls are very tame and friendly. I'm home all day, so they are used to being loved and doted upon. Always having treats helps too. ;)

    With the eggs, two banty eggs equals one large standard.

  13. Wow, I'm getting photo envy. He's beautiful. I need to go on a chicken photo safari.
