Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Woohoo! Got New Leg Braces Today!

Aren't they just the cutest?!


  1. Hooray! Hope they do the job!!

  2. Darla, they feel so great compared to my old ones!
    It's a happy day for Dani.

  3. I am glad, if they make things better for you!

  4. Those are amazing.
    My Dad's leg brace is a heavy metal and leather contraption (polio) and I always wonder about the seeming absence of modern materials in it.

    His polio knee does not lock like his other, so the brace keeps him from falling, but it just seems so archaic to me as far as materials go.

    I'm glad your braces are an improvement on what you had before!

  5. So glad they're better than your old ones!

  6. Can we put some racing stripes and flames on them?

  7. Threecollie, the best part today has been the snug fit of the new ones.
    From the muscle wasting the past few years, my legs have changed shape and they would wobble inside the brace. Not quite what you want in a pair of braces. ;) These new ones feel like they are giving me the balance and support that I need.

    FC, that must take so much energy to move that metal! What a trooper!

    It might be worth looking into getting him an appt. with a prosthetist. Maybe there is something out on the market now that would be better.

    ScMomma, way better!

    Shamu, we be stylin'! ;0

  8. Dang, Dani, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell from my work computer that you had already tricked out your new braces. I think you did a Much better job than my Hot Wheels ideas.

  9. Shamu, the one that cracked me up was the camouflage option. lol.

    Cathy, I like this look a lot better than the plain white. :)

  10. Wow! Who knew they made thos things so pretty??? Those butterflies are gorgeous! They remind me of the header for your blog with the blue sky and the butterfly!

  11. Those are to fun! I had no idea they made them so pretty!

  12. Look out now Dani!
    Next thing we read about you will have spent extra hours in the garden with all that new stability.
    Ain't technology grand?
