Monday, February 22, 2010

Outside is Good


  1. Even better than good! What is the robin eating?

  2. ThreeC, it's the nasty invasive Brazilian Pepper Tree. *shudder*

  3. Hey, I'd say, "Very Good!".
    Great shots!

    I was down in Tampa Saturday, at a restaurant called "Whiskey Joes".
    Nice to have a beautiful weekend again after so many cold grey ones!

  4. I was perfect outside this weekend!!

  5. Thanks FC. Sent my seed order out to you today. I can't wait!

    Darla, glad you got to enjoy the nice weather too. :)

  6. Didn't another cold front come through tonight? Isn't the awesome warm weather over again for a few days?? Great pics though!

  7. Smiling dogs can't hide their happiness.

  8. Especially since the weather is soooo much warmer!

  9. You have no idea how wonderful that sunshine looked. Bet it was warm too, wasn't it? It was in the 40,s here, but all the leftover snow and mud,mud,mud. My driveways and the big side yard are going to need serious repair. Damn! I hate winter. Think I'll just stay inside and dream of roses. Glad you got to go out for a bit. Loveyou

  10. It is all so beautiful! Welcomingly beautiful!

  11. Kate, yes. *sigh*

    Susan, it felt weird not having so many layers on.

    Mom, it was upper 60s. Felt good in the sun, but I still kept a jacket on when we were walking. love you mom

    Thanks MS. :)

    Lisa, it was. We have been missing the sun an awfully lot this winter.

    Shamu, nope. And he was happy. So many new things to snuffle and explore.

  12. It's nice to see Ollie:) That robin picture is a prize winner. Very nice photos Dani!

  13. Beautiful photos that make me even more ready for the deep freeze to end. I miss being outside!

  14. Outside is VERY good.

    I love the bird pictures the best. Oh, and that first, too! :-)
