Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Beach Scenes


  1. Well, let's just skip right past spring and head straight to summer! Beautiful photos!!

  2. Love any kind of beach scene photo!

  3. Beautiful pictures! I'm SO glad Spring has sprung.

  4. Thanks Threecollie! You would love Fort DeSoto. The beaches are beautiful and the birding is fantastic!

    Darla, the water needs to hurry up and get warm so my girl can go swimming! Still a little too chilly.

    Chris, me too.

    ScMomma, I love the spring weather! Feels so wonderful to be outside.

  5. Wow! Is that first one a crab? Love the bird!!

  6. Now you're just killing me. It's not enough that it's late March and they are calling for 3 - 6 inches of snow for this weekend in Kansas City but now there's lovely Florida pictures of how snowy it's not.
    I'm going to wear Beach Sunglasses all weekend. You know? The kind that have little pictures of the beach glued to the insides of the lenses?

  7. Thanks FC!

    Lisa, yep, he's a giant red hermit crab. They're such cute little critters.

    Shamu, I'm sending warm Florida weather vibes your way. :)

  8. Dani

    During our tide pooling sessions on the left coast, we see some snails, anemones, and smaller crab. This is a beaut!

    (envious of your corner of the country!)

  9. Hey Freste, thanks for stopping in! We have the best time just poking around on the beach. All kinds of treasure to be found out there.

  10. beautiful and crystal clear. i like those cabbagey palms. but the little tidal pool is my fave.

  11. Chickory, hey you, feelin' any better?

  12. i am better today. thank you for asking. you know, the good days i really cherish them. everything was so beautiful and i laughed a lot. i hope your day was just as good.

  13. That's a good day at the beach. And looks like a peaceful one too.

  14. Your warm weather vibes got here just a little late but just in time to melt all our snow.

    Thank you!!

  15. Chickory, laughter is a beautiful thing. I'm glad you felt well enought to get out.

    Robert, it was peaceful. Hubs took the day off so we could be together. And THAT hardly ever happens, so it was extra special.

    Shamu, you're just being nice. It's okay being late is something I do well in real life. ;0
