An unknown yellow tomato.
I swear, I'm gonna label all my seeds trays next time!

Purple Beauty Sweet Pepper.

Not a veggie. :)

Woohoo! Our first cucumber and squash!

Another unknown tomato.
Are you sensing a theme here?

Not a veggie either.

Black Cherry Tomato.
Have a great weekend friends! :)
Hello, Dani. What a beautiful bounty. I do the same with identification: figure it out after the fact. Sure it would be easier to label the stuff - but it takes the surprise element out of it! Your non-vegetables are shining as brightly as your veggies. I'm so far behind you, it's not funny. It's been cold (warming up now, though), and we haven't had any rain in ages.
Prospero, I'm so glad I'm not alone on the labeling!
We haven't had rain in a long time either. I'm trying to stay positive, but I worry about the little critters out there. Fingers crossed that the rainy season will be just that.
Your veggies are going to be SO good! I've never heard of a purple bell pepper before. What do they taste like?
ScMomma, I haven't eaten them yet, but the catalog says they have a crisp texture and sweet taste.
Great job! I'll be happy if/when we get to harvest veggies from our garden. Your flowers are beautiful.
Holy awesomeness Dani!!!
Everything looks GREAT! Are you guys struggling with the lack of rain too? We are under pretty severe water restrictions here and everything is just hot, dry and dusty.
My FAV are your purple peppers! Man, I wanted to grow some of those and forgot to plant them!!
GREAT looking pics!
Your veggies are making my mouth water...really! We too planted black cherry tomatoes from rareseeds.com Can't wait.
Oh, I am so envious :) we have just been able to put our tomato and pepper starts in the ground this week and that is a bit early! By the way my chicks came this week too, thanks for the inspiration :)Been feeling unbloggy lately but will motivate to put up some pic's of the girls, cute, cute, cute!
Darla, what's the water situation up by you?
Kate, yeah, it's pretty much the same here. Toasty and dry. We got a little tease yesterday, but that's been it.... maybe we should have the kiddies do a little rain dance for us.
Kim, YOU HAVE CHICKS!!! We need to see those babies! Big hugs to you, I know how much you've wanted some of your own. Are you legal or hiding out from the man like me and Kate?
Whiterice, I love Baker Creek! They have the best and coolest selection around! I like that they always throw in a freebie too. :)A little seed surprise is always good.
And they are oh so pretty.Yummy stuff.
Meems @ Hoe and Shovel
Very impressive!
Dani - I went to Home Depot to NOT buy plants yesterday and came home with two of those lemon cucumbers - isn't that what you've got pictured up there??? I hope I can grow them. I have terrible luck with any kind of cuc's. I'm so easily swayed - LOL. (And yeah, I'd like to see Kim's chicks too)
Meems, not nearly as pretty as your garden!
SnB, thanks!
Kate, yep, they're lemon cucumbers. You're gonna like them. They grow and set fruit so fast the bugs and diseases don't stand a chance. I love that in a veggie plant!
wow wow wow! my seeds arent even in the ground...for a lot of reasons. just lovely. yummy lookin.
K9, hey girlfriend! Here I was thinking about you and I check my email and see two comments of yours. :) Funny when that happens.
Are you doin' okay?
Hey Shamu, got any good recipes using the zucchini?
Let me check my vast collection of cookbooks. What are you in the mood for? Main dish, side dish, dessert? Due to zucchini's propensity to replicate like garden bunnies, there's a lot out there to choose from.
Buying my tomato plants today.
We have all your rain, send sunshine and we'll talk about sending some wetness your way.
The Midwest
Shamu, hmm.....let's go with a main dish. That way I can use my nice blue dishes that make me feel all Martha Stewart like.
Damn, you midwest people are tough! ;0
Let's see, main dish with zucchini? I haven't tried this one but I think it's on the agenda to give a try:
Zucchini & Summer Squash GratinAlice Waters has a very simple recipe in her Chez Panisse Vegetables cookbook of Pasta with Zucchini, walnuts and pesto, you can find it un-attributed but copied word for word from the book here:
Pasta with zucchini, walnuts and pestoThere's also Barbara Kafka's Party Frittata that you could half the recipe and have plenty of leftovers or you could try Crescent Dragonwagon (her real name) Potato Crusted Summertime Skillet Pie. That one is pretty involved so I don't know if you're up for it. Those last two I couldn't find links to but if you are interested, give me a shout and I will find a way to send you the recipes.
Shamu, you are just so cool! I'm gonna start out with the wonderful lookin' gratin for dinner tommorrow evening. I'll let you know how it is. :)
What a scrumptious post! You can eat those sunflowers though. :) So all edibles. :)
Lisa, I tried leaving you a comment this morning, but it wasn't working. ??
I hope you have a great mothers day.
happy mothers day to you Dani. i hope your day is blessed. i can recommend shamu's cooking advice: ive actually had the pleasure of enjoying her fine cuisine.
love thos black cherry tomatoes!
I cannot remember if I have ever eaten yellow tomatoes. Oh,I do love the red ones and I love fried green tomatoes. I am jealous of all your produce that is appearing. We don't even have our tomatoes planted yet.
Wait! Now WAIT!! Huh? A Black cherry tomato? Wow. Nice veggies and flowers, but mercy, I want to git some black cherry maters. We has yellow pear tomatoes, regular red cherry tomatoes some VERY finicky Russian heirloom black tomatoes (normal size)
Doan ya jes' love when the garden surprises ya?
Happy Mother's Day Dani!!
Chickory, lucky you to have had the priviledge of Shamu's company.
Granny, those yellow ones are just divine tasting!
Aunty, go over to rareseeds.com and you can find all kinds of wonderful veggie treasures.
Your veggies are gorgeous!
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