The last two days it's felt like fall in Florida. Overnight temps of 65 degrees and daytime temps around 85.
Be still my heart.

The veggies are all quite happy with the reprieve.

Especially the broccoli and cauliflower. I've really had to baby them the last month,making sure that I kept them well watered and in the shade.
So tell me friends, what's the best part of fall for you?
Dani - yes! finally! Fall!!! 85 in the day and 65 at night is perfect weather! This is one of the times when it's nice to live in Florida - everyone up North is wrapping up their gardens and we have a couple of more months left!
The best part of fall? It's not winter.
I think sometimes Blogger lags behind on the new posting alerts.
Kate, you would have thought it was Christmas morning here with all the cool weather excitement!
Sham, I tried reposting it a couple of times, but it's still not showing up on the blog rolls. Very strange. FYI* there's some nice ink free feet posted up at my sisters blog. ;)
The best part of fall is - the pumpkin pie. Because it sure ain't the leaves. I live in a heavily wooded area and leaves start falling at the end of August with the "major fall" hitting around Halloween. If I think about it I'll take some pictures so you can see what you're missing.
I know there are, I commented on them. They are lovely without the barnyard animals.
Buzz, I'd love that! One of my favorite things to do when I was little, was lay down in our field and listen to the wind in the leaves. I've never forgotten that sound, even being here in Florida most of my life.
But now, I'm an adult and it's not nearly as fun or magical when you gotta rake the damn things up all the time.
Sham, *snort* I swear to you I have no barnyard animal tats. But, it does seem to be the IN thing to have right now.
I have to say the most amazing tattoo work I've seen was on the internet and it involved Puff the Magic Dragon. The intricate design, coverage and placement were amazing. Let's just say that you would have to be very close to your tattoo artist to produce this work of art. VERY close.
OK, not safe for work. Or kids.
The best part is being able to enjoy gardening again! And evenings spent around the firepit! And children going to bed earlier! Lovely pictures, as always... thanks for the eye candy!
Was it cool out today? I wouldn't know I was chained to the friggin' computer and phone tryin' to make some bank! Glad y'all enjoyed it!
Dani, I see some sort of pumpkin or zucchini flower there...what is it? It looks ready for stuffin' and batterin' and fryin' to me!!! YUM!~ Why aren't you closer to me so I can raid your garden and get me some fresh organic eggs?! Not fair.
Sham, I'm sorry, beautiful as Puffy may be, I can't help but think about the artist with that needle so close to so many delicate and ahem, smelly, parts for such extended periods of time! ewww!!!
Dani, where's your tat photos?!
Oh yeah, the best part of fall is wearing my clothes without sweat running down my back! yay! And being able to open the windows and eat/drink and entertain on my balcony!
You're so right! This weather has been so nice. I feel like baking with pumpkins and going to the fair!!
Dani, what's that 3rd photo down? Beautiful!!!
(on other topic, I made the mistake of checking out Shamu's suggested link. Ugh, not for the faint of heart. Incredible art, but even my mind isn't open enough for that!) Dare I say you might want to delete that particular comment before grammy checks it out. I'm sure I'm going to have crazy puff the magic dragon dreams tonight. ; )
I can't believe I just suggested censorship. Who have I become?
Best part of Fall, I like the sound of walking a park trail and hearing the "crunch, crunch" of the leaves. Also pumpkin pie! (I promise, last comment before bed, g'nite)
The blue of an October sky.
Love, love, love the cooler weather!
Sham, I think my girl 4th is scarred for life :0
Thanks for putting the warning up on it. I don't want any one getting a surprise.
Erin, I have to tell you, I have serious fire pit envy. Did you and hubs build it?
FC, nothing better than yummies from the garden. :)
Diva, it's a flower from the golden squash. I'm hoping it'll fruit before the nasty pickle worms get to it. GRRRRR!!!
Woohoo! Let's hear it for open windows and cool air!
Vonnie, it really is my favorite time of year. So many wonderful things to do and make.
4th, it's a little leaf from a purple kohlrabi. I was lucky enough to be out there right when the sun was shining through it.
Hehehe, I'm laughing about it this whole tattoo saga. Who knew that an episode of Top Chef would generate so much commentary. :0
Cathy, and the fluffy clouds. No better sky than a Florida fall one.
Sorry I forgot the Grandma warnings.
Don't think the tattoo thing is done, I'm chock full of Tattoo Tuesdays.
I don't remember 4th born mentioning any of HER tattoos?
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