For this week's Dim Sum Sunday, Shamu wanted us to bring out our favorite hors d'oeuvres, or special Halloween snacks. And for my little girl this means making some creepy cupcakes.

For more snack fun head over to the Karmic Kitchen.
A little icing tint, an assortment of eyeballs, teeth and tongues and you've got yourself a fun time in the kitchen.
This is also a perfect rainy day activity to keep the kids busy.
For more snack fun head over to the Karmic Kitchen.
Thanks Shamu for another fun DSS!
Too fun! They came out spooktacular!!
When my kids were little I used to set up a halloween tree in the living room. Just a big old gnarly leafless branch on a stand. Then they would decorate it with handmade spooky ornaments.
We had great fun with it.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAH! I love your Mise En Place of eyeballs and teeth. Excellent addition to Dim Sum Sunday.
Now, who baked the cupcakes and which one did you eat first?
FC, what a great idea! I'm so gonna do that this halloween.
Sham, I baked the cupcakes, but everything else was a group effort. John in particular showed great talent in the eyeball making. :)
Sad to say, but I had just a plain one. I grazed so much on the candies when we were decorating, that I just couldn't do any more.
Ah yea, grazing. Known appetite spoiler world wide.
I think I'd have to snag that multi eyed cupcake. It's got my name written all over it.
I have truly enjoyed this post. The cookies are fantastic! You inspired me to read about Dim sum and Dim Sum Sunday and I found the Karmic Kitchen site. WhooHoo!
Granny Annie, we'd love to have you join our merry band of cooking creative crazies. The next Dim Sum will be Sept. 27th. The theme will be announced in the next two weeks unless you'd like to suggest something.
Annie, we all bow to Sham's awesomeness. :)
How is it possible that it's already the middle of Sept? Crazy. That means the big 33 is drawing nearer... Ack!
My girls would love to do this. May have to borrow your little one's idea..okay?
tres cool & very creepy. Wow ! well done !!
These are fun! I think she might be a month early for halloween but I'd eat them daily, lol.
Darla, your girls are so creative. I can't wait to see what they come up with!
Susan, we had such a great time just hanging out in the kitchen being silly!
Lisa, you and me both. :)
I'm glad to hear you guys had a great time making these. That's what cooking is about. Having fun, learning what works and doesn't work, and getting to eat the mistakes.
Does this mean there's going to be a big Halloween Party at Casa de Butterflies and Chickens?
Sham, I think a Halloween party sounds great! Pumpkin carving, ghost hunts in the backyard, bobbing for apples, creepy cupcakes and other snakies. Yep, I think the kids would have a blast!
HAHAHHA! Casa de Butterflies and Chickens. I like it.
I just saw that I wrote snakies instead of snackies. *snort*
those ore killer! (no pun intended hahaha) they are so fun and colorful. bravo! job well done, grasshopper.
Fabulously frightening! yay! Lovin' your creepy critter cupcakes!
yes Dani, snakies instead of snackies means different things...especially in your house.
What a great idea!
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