My girlfriend Melissa tagged me for a Seven Things about Me meme.
Thanks Melissa! :)

1) I was born with a severe form of Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy. It's a horrible disease that I inherited from my dad. There is no cure and no medicine to keep the disease from progressing.
2) I don't wear jewelry of any kind, not even my wedding band.
3) John buys me cameras for special occasions. I love that about him! hehehe
Thank you for sharing. I truly hope you get your turkey. Wish we lived closer...I could surely find you a nice one.
I love the way you do not give in to your disease, you are quite an inspiration...Lay off of the coffee, lol.....nice gifts the cameras! Good luck getting the turkey..
Thanks for sharing - standing next to Darla nodding (except about the coffee LOL)...
We have a lot in common (I'll be your enabler for your coffee), but everyone is right - we should cut back! You are always an inspiration and congrats on finding that best friend to share your life with!
I think you should get a turkey. What if one just "happened" to show up? I's not like you'd turn him away, the little lost turkey, would you?
ThreeC, oh the trouble we could get into if we lived closer to each other! :)
Darla, loving this great big life keeps me fighting. Coffee helps too. lol
MS, you are a mighty fine friend.
Thanks Erin!
Long live espresso. ;)
Shamy, I would love him, and cuddle him, and call him Gobbles.
And really, I already have six undocumented(illegal)hens. What's one more little lost turkey.
Snort! Gobbles.
(runs off to google Live Turkey Delivery)
Wow, such a variety. I was thinking a Royal Palm would fit right in. Luckily for your best friend, Cackle Hatchery is all sold out.
I love these "info" posts! Nice to learn more about you. Love the turkey idea. And I'm very glad the disease does not keep you down...very inspiring! And cameras are great gifts...sounds like a great BFF! :)
I so hope you get to have a turkey someday.
A pet turkey, that is one you don't hear very often.
We need a Turkey Campaign.
I realize now that whenever I picture you in my mind you aren't wearing jewelry, but didn't ever realize that you NEVER wear jewelry. hmm. I propose a toast, please raise our coffee mugs :"To telling FSH to GTH! To the medicinal jolt of java! To experiencing the world through your viewfinder. To finding love with your best friend or your best friend in your love." MFD
Horsepucky Miss DAnielle. We had a turkey
The ??!!!@#@! Thing would ambush me every time I stepped out the door. I was Probably six or seven years old and here he'd come, full strut.My brother thought it was great fun. I think that i still have scars.Mom finally cooked him for Thanksgiving. Twelve hours later, he still wasn't done. I didn't care.
You think you want Gobbles??? Come on up. I've got a whole flock across the road. Take your pick. I love you anyway, but you are so weird. Hug baby girl and thank John for loving you even if you are funny.
Sorry about that. My computer hates me! It pitches me everywhere. So really glad it picked this time to function as it should. First, it's turkeys and then the computer. I never get any respect.
Ria, *cheers* :) I Love You. My life is so rich with you in it.
Mom, the poor baby knew y'all were gonna eat him!!! That would make me pretty damn cranky too. * sniff* *sniff*
I just deleted the extra comments. Happens to all of us sometimes. Love yah. Sleep sweet tonight.
I'm off to plan my upcoming campaign....FIGHT THE POWER!!!
Turkey? I assume not frozen.:)
LOVE THIS! I would loooooove a pet turkey too!! Any idea how loud a female turkey is?
You are so much more than a woman born with a dreadful disease. You are a wonderful, talented and creative person and you can repeat that 7 times:)
Wow. You're amazing. :-) How lovely that you're not letting your disease define who you are.
Why a turkey? That answer should be an entire post.
I think of all your answers, the one regarding jewelry is the most interesting.
Hey Chickee Mama,
Well,it's that most wonderful time of year...again. Birthday!!! Any suggestions? You got about a week. Then, you get potluck-Mom style.
Love you sweet girl, you will always be my hero
Sigh, damn thing still hates me.Delete the repeat please. Thank you darlin, I think the rose will be all right.Thank you again.
Hmmmm....why do I want a turkey?
Cause they're just really big cuties. Kinda like a cross between a standard size chicken and a vulture. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm, I wonder if turkeys are any slower than chickens, if so I'm on your side, we need a turkey.
P.S. Would it really be so bad if I ate just 1 little chicken?
Why don't we just get a Turkey Vulture?
At least Magpie can't eat it.
Although it might be fun to watch her try.
Daaaaaamn Baby, I never thought of that!!!!
Can I still call him Gobbles?
Thanks for sharing Dani, esp. about the disease, I didn't realize there were different forms. Does wearing jewelry feel like confinement? No wonder you have tats!
Diva, yep, that's exactly how it feels!! Drives me
Yay! I love coffee and am also married to my best friend. Ain't life grand? Turkeys - how about some wild ones? We get as many as 20 or so in our yard daily during winter. I could catch and send it to you!
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